Laizhou Metallogrpahic Testing Equipment Co., Ltd

Industrial and mining enterprises and scientific research units in the application of the most common to the metal Rockwell, Brinell, Vivtorinox hardness based, in which the metal Rockwell and metal Brinell hardness tester with respect to the structure of the metal Vivtorinox hardness tester. It is not difficult to adjust the common faults. The following is the metal Vivtorinox hardness tester common fault repair is introduced as follows. Calibration and repair work should start from the adjustment of the level of the work table, based on years of work practice. Then observe the spindle, lever, lifting screw rod, buffer mechanism and measuring device is normal, flexible. Ensure a basic understanding of equipment performance. And then for the situation to be resolved one by one. 1, loading indicator, measuring microscope does not light bulbs, and then check the switch. If excluding these factors is not bright, first check whether the hardness tester is connected. You have to see whether all load plus or reed switch is normal. After excluding is still not normal, we must start from the line (circuit) gradually Investigation 2, see or not see the indentation, after adjustment in the turbidity measuring microscope is still unclear, it should adjust the focal length and with light microscope. Should respectively rotate the objective and eyepiece, and mobile three flat mirror with dotted lines, lines, lines, carefully observe the problem in which a piece of the mirror, and then unloaded, with long fiber absorbent cotton dipped in alcohol scrub, in reverse order installed after the observation, if still unresolved, then repair or replace the microscope micrometer. 3, the indentation position varies greatly, the indentation is not in the field of view or slightly rotating table. Adjust the movement of the lower end of the spindle, the reason for this is due to the pressure head, measuring microscope, the three axis of the work table caused by the different pressure due to the head fixed at the bottom of the working shaft. The guide seat is not in direct contact with the lower end face of the spindle cone is; the adjustment shaft side of the working shaft and screw spindle (shaft) with heart, after a good tune, block out an indentation, observe its position in a microscope and recorded; the gently rotating worktable (ensure block on the table is not mobile) microscope to identify a point on the test block does not rotate, this is the table at the bottom of the screw shaft; the screw and loosen the screw rod lifting plate, light shift the lifting screw rod, the worktable axis and measuring microscope note coincide under indentation, and locking plate screw and the adjustment screw, a pressure indentation mutual control. Repeat the above steps until completely coincident. 4, the reasons for the poor indication of the test value and the measures to solve the measuring microscope. Check with a standard micrometer. If allowed to be repaired or replaced. To see whether it meets the requirements of the diamond indenter. If there is a defect to replace the pressure head. Diamond head defect. With a 80 fold stereoscopic microscope. With a small load of three standard dynamometer test. If the load exceeds the requirements (+ 1%), but the direction is consistent, the negative (load) exceeds the standard requirements or load instability. In this case, the lever ratio changes, the main shaft protection cap can be loosened, the power point contact can be adjusted, and the adjusting load (lever ratio) can be adjusted. If the load is not stable, may be the point of the blade blunt, fulcrum ball wear or working shaft and the spindle shaft are not concentric, work caused great friction and other reasons. Check the blade and steel ball, such as blunt or wear, should be trimmed or replaced. Check the working shaft and cleaning, attention must be paid to the complete periaxial ball, with the adjustment of heart (axis) see Step 3


The company's purpose is: to survive by quality, to develop by technology, to be credible, to serve at home, and to solve technical problems in the use of users in a timely manner.

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Company address:Laizhou city Hutouya Industrial Park

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Contact number:0535-2170606

Phone number:18906457285

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Website:Laizhou Huaxing Test Instrument Co.

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